Cafe Los Sueños

Client ︎︎︎  Café Los Sueños
Year ︎︎︎  2022
Type ︎︎︎  Packaging, Apparel
Media ︎︎︎  Print

Café Los Sueños is a Latin-owned business in Baltimore, Maryland that serves specialty coffee roasted in-house. Born in the mountains of El Salvador, roaster Carlos Payes grew up working in the coffee fields. They are committed to offering exceptional coffee and sharing their success with the hard-working coffee communities who bring them their daily cup.

I created concepts for coffee bag packaging and merchandise in the form of t-shirts and a tote bag. The proposed label designs highlight the origins of the beans sold in the shop by showcasing the country, farm, and owner. The color palette takes inspiration from the Salvadorian flag with added orange for warmth and balance. Additionally, each country is abstracted into geometric shapes used as a pattern on the packaging and tote bag.